Natural Health Blog | Dr. Stuart Rubin, Chiropractor | Farmington Hills, MI

Acetaminophen and Liver Damage

ALT stands for alanine aminotransferase; it is a substance that is released into the blood when liver cells are damaged. ALT levels in the serum will give you an idea if there is any liver cell damage occurring. A randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, 5-treatment, parallel-group, inpatient, diet-controlled (meals provided), longitudinal study of 145 healthy adults, appearing

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Is There Any Hope for Fibromyalgia?

Research has shown a link between magnesium deficiency and fibromyalgia. In The Journal of Nutritional Medicine (1994;4:165-167) research on 100 fibromyalgia patients and 12 controls with osteoarthritis found that the patients with fibromyalgia had very low red blood cell magnesium levels. Other research published in The Journal of Nutritional Medicine (1992;3:49-59) 15 patients with fibromyalgia

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Sinus Infections: Bacteria are not Always the Problem

In the Archives of Environmental Health (July 2003;58(7):433-441), a study looked at the sinus lining in 639 patients diagnosed with chronic sinusitis. It found that many of the cases were due to a high fungal load in the air and in the sinus lining. Reducing air exposure to fungus and saline irrigation improved the health

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